L.E. Kesselman
2 min readApr 7, 2021


Thank you Teodor, for responding at length and with decorum to my inquiry. I concur with you, that "calling Biden 'the most interesting politician' " is peak cringe. I do not know what nation's laws govern you. Also, as a statistician, I have a long and congenial relationship with trusted licensed software provider SAS of Cary, North Carolina.

In the United States, neither government nor some unfortunately large corporations are to be trusted these days. It has been a slow slide downward into corporatocracy. I agree with you, that totalitarianism is the ultimate nightmare. It is true that Richard M Stallman had a beneficent vision, and that Silicon Valley tech tweaked it slightly but kept open source alive... for awhile. (Although the distinction between FOSS and open source becomes tiresome and is essentially opaque; it doesn't improve with time either. I see it as a failing, one which the author of this article was brave enough to verbalize.)

Those days have ended for the most part, in the United States. Why do I make that claim?

1. Google "shuttered" its open source project hosting, as well as ending the employee benefit of allowing software engineers to spend 20% of their work time contributing to anything, including open source software development.

2. Behold Mozilla. Brendan Eich was chased off by the social justice mob for making a donation of (OMG!) $8000 to a political cause which was important to his personal belief system 10 years prior. The United States has a constitution and Bill of Rights which ensure that no citizen shall be denied pursuit of happiness due to his religious or ethical beliefs. Too bad that doesn't apply to genuine innovators and effective leaders of non-profit initiatives that vastly improve the lives of people globally! In the wake of his departure, it is difficult to deny that Mozilla has floundered, and is much diminished. But that was merely the beginning.

3. The recently determined, best-practice of imposing a Code of Conduct that upholds San Francisco Bay Area (and Manhattan and elite academic institutions') um 'public policy goals' rather than that of software development has been disastrous to exemplary open source projects such as Firefox browser. Linus Torvalds has been driven away from further involvement with Linux.

I don't see closed source OR government as the steward of source code being viable alternatives to the current, mostly broken status quo.

